What is $50 service deposit?
CACC Chinese School is a non-profit organization. Its operation heavily relies on volunteers. Every registered family has obligation to maximum 4 hours of yard duty per registration agreement. This applies to all registrations for children and adult classes. The $50 service charge is a way to reinforce this volunteer obligation.
Please note, classroom duty is NOT a yard duty we are talking about here.
How does this $50 service deposit work?
This $50 is charged and deposited in your account when you register with CACC Chinese School at first time. It will remain in your account and carry over to next school year if you have fulfilled your family yard duty obligation, which is maximum 4 hours per school year for each family. You will not see this $50 charge when you register with CACC Chinese School in next school year. But if you fail to fulfill this obligation, this $50 will be actually charged from your CACC account. Another $50 will be charged to your account at your next school year registration.

To see the $50 service deposit activities in your account, please follow these steps:
  1. Login your CACC account
  2. If you don't have any required action to take, you will be directly taken to My Registration -> Registration page
  3. Click the box
  4. Click Payment Details link
  5. You will see when you initially deposited the $50 in your account, when the $50 deposit was charged for the missed yard duty.
Please email to cs-duty@caccusa.org for any questions, concerns, or dispute on the charge.
How do I get my service deposit refund?
If you have fulfilled yard duty obligation for the previous school year, and you will no longer register any classes with CACC Chinese School, you may request a refund of your deposit. Please click the link below between 10/05/2024 and 04/18/2025 to fill out the request form. Your refund will be processed within 2 weeks.
Yard Duty Refund Request Form
Can I choose my preferred yard duty schedule?
Yes. Afer you registered at least one class, you can pick your preferred yard duty schedule.
  1. Log in to your account
  2. If you don't have any required action to take, you will be directly taken to My Registration -> Registration page
  3. Click Yard Duty sub menu
  4. Click Scheduled by school Or Chosen by Myself
  5. Click Save when you are done
The school will randomly schedule it for you if you didn't select a date and time slot. As soon as your duty schedule is picked or accepted in CACC system, your yard duty schedule will be post in your account.
How do I know my yard duty schedule?
  1. Find your yard duty schedule online in your account
    Log in to your account
    Your yard duty schedule will show up below the top bar menu if your yard duty has been assigned already.
    If you cannot find your schedule at above place, you may follow the below steps:
    • Log in to your account
    • If you don't have any required action to take, you will be directly taken to My Registration -> Registration page
    • Click Yard Duty sub menu
    • Your yard duty will be shown on this page
    If you still do not find your yard duty schedule:
    Email to cs-duty@caccusa.org to schedule your yard duty.
  2. Email reminder - There will be an email reminder sending to you by Monday and Friday midnight for your duty schedule on the incoming Sunday.
  3. If the schedule does not work with you, please contact cs-duty@caccusa.org for rescheduling 2 weeks before your original scheduled time or ASAP.
Missed yard duty will result a charge of $50 service fee.
What do I do for yard duty?
Please check in your duty on time at front gate of the school, by the stairs. The earlier schedule is 8:45am-11am, and the later schedule is 10:50am-1:10pm.
The actual duty work is assigned at the time you check in. Please check yard duty policies and responsibilities
Your arrival on time is critical to the function of Chinese School. If you are late to your duty schedule for more than 10min, your duty time will be rescheduled. If you are late to your duty multiple times, it may result in a charge of $50 service fee.
Stay at your duty assigned location. Leaving the assigned location without pre-approval, your duty work will be forfeited. You must re-do your yard duty for the year.
Can I attend my class while doing my duty work?
NO. You need to have undivided attention to your duty work. The function of all class time and student safety is on your hands. If you have a class during your duty time, please contact duty officer to change your duty schedule.
If you are found that you left your duty position for any reason, your duty work will be forfeited. This may result a charge of $50 service fee.
Who are exempted from the yard duty obligations?
Room parents, PTA officers and current BOD members are exempted from yard duty obligations. Have your teacher to send an email to office indicating that you are the room parent for that class ASAP, by the end of October. No room parent assignment will be inputted into the school system after October.
However, classroom duty/helper is NOT a yard duty. Classroom duty/helper helps the functions of the class and the class teacher.