中文课English |
孩子之前在其他中文学校,刚读完中文二年级。到CACC如何选中文课? 每个学生的中文水平因人而异,不同的中文学校的进度和教材也不一定相同,但如果和CACC进度类似,可以考虑上暨南中文或者马立平中文三年级。一般情况下,如果家里有中文环境,中文教材的年级应该和学生的常规学校的年级基本对应。如果不确定是否跟得上的话,开学前两周可以先到对应教室试听一下,如有个别问题可以直接和学校联系。 |
小学和初中的传承语中文课,CACC有两个教学分支,分别使用暨南教材和马立平教材。它们有什么区别? 两种中文课的教法和内容编排各有特点,家长可以自行决定走那个分支,如果学的扎实效果都会不错。马立平教材一二年级不教拼音,以认字和阅读为优先(提倡多认少写),生词量相对多一些。暨南教材一年级开始就教拼音,更强调写,阅读和生词量少一些。暨南的教材是包含在学费里的,马立平的教材需要自己买。两种教材可以参见链接:https://www.caccusa.org/info.php?p=2 |
上CACC高中中文课需要分班考试吗? 高中中文课有学分班和非学分班之分。若要注册高中学分班(包括学分班III, 学分班IV, AP学分班)需参加每年三月底举办的分班考试。AP 备考班和高中学分预备班不用参加分班考试。AP备考班和AP学分班都是为帮助高中生参加每年5月份的中文AP考试而设计的,但是前者不授予学分,每周上课是2小时,后者是Pleasanton学区承认的高中学分班,每周上课4小时。具体参见链接:https://www.caccusa.org/program.php?p=10 |
高中中文课分班考试的试卷可否公开? 分班考试的目的是为了了解学生目前的中文运用水平,以便让学生进入适合自己正真水平的班级,接受相应的指导快速进步并在合适的时候进入AP班学习,争取考到理想的分数。所以,我们分班考试的考卷只适合了解学生的水平之用,不适合学生学习使用,因此,分班考试试卷是不会作为学习资料公开的。 |
孩子上完了八年级中文课,成绩很好,可以上AP班吗? 每个学生的中文水平因人而异。有些孩子达到了AP班的学习和心理成熟水平,而有些孩子还没有达到。最好的办法是通过分班考试的方式,全面客观的考察学生的学习水平和心理素质,并根据此分析得出分班依据。少数孩子可以直接上AP班,但对于相当一部分的学生,先上学分班III或者IV,然后再上AP班,对他们的中文学习的提高和考到理想的AP分数更合适。 |
AP Prep 和中文四(High School Chinese IV) 教的有什么区别? 高中中文课程里的中文三、中文四和 AP 中文都是高中外语课类的课程,学生可以通过转学分的途径把学分转到就读的高中算作外语课三年、外语课四年或者外语课五年来满足高中外语课学分部分的要求并得到 UC 和 CSU 的认可。但是为了那些希望只备考 AP 中文但又不需要高中外语课学分的学生我们开设了这门 AP Prep,每周只上两个小时的课,没有学分。至于教的内容,因为中文四和 AP Prep 的课程目的不同,用的教材也不同,课时长短也不同。 进入 AP Prep 班没有任何前提条件,也不需参加分班考试,因为 AP Prep 是没有学分的。若是上了中文四,下一年自动分到 AP 中文的学分班,这个程度的学生 UC/CSU 承认学生的高中五年外语课的程度。 |
应该上 AP Prep,然后去考 AP 中文,还是上中文三、中文四、中文 AP,再去考 AP 中文? 这里有两个群体,各走自己的路:一个群体是直接上 AP Prep,然后参加 AP 考试。这个群体是那些不修学分想直接上了 AP Prep 就去考试的学生。另一个群体是按部就班,上了中文三、中文四、中文 AP 然后参加 AP 考试。因为是按部就班,基础打得较牢,只要按照老师的要求去做,基本上都可以考得满意。 所以,上完了AP Prep就不必再重复上 AP 中文了,应该直接去参加考试,因为 AP Prep 就是为不需要外语学分、不修中文学分班那些学生开设的。但是,没有把握的,应该走中文三、中文四、AP 中文这条路,既符合学习进步的规律又可以轻松参加 AP 考试获得高分。 |
Chinese Classes中文 |
My child has been studying Chinese language in a different school and just finished Chinese language 2nd grade. We are moving to Pleasanton and plan to enroll him at CACC the upcoming school year – which Chinese class should he sign up in CACC? Students’ Chinese language skills vary, and different language schools may use different materials and progress at different rates. However, if their course material is somewhat comparable to CACC’s, your child probably will likely do well in CACC Chinese 3rd grade (either Jinan or Ma Liping track) for the upcoming school year. Generally speaking, if Chinese is a heritage language for the student at home, he/she will likely be fine in Chinese language study grade that is close to his/her regular school class grade. You may also audit the Chinese class during the first two weeks of the school year just to be certain. You can always reach out to school directly for individual concerns. |
For elementary and middle school Chinese, CACC appears to offer two tracks: Jinan University and Ma Liping. What’s the difference between them and how should I choose? The two tracks are designed with different teaching methodologies in mind, and parents can choose either one based on their preference. As long as students put in solid efforts, either track will prepare them for long term success in Chinese learning. In terms of teaching methodology, Ma Liping Chinese does not teach pinyin until 3rd grade and places higher priority on reading than writing,allowing students to learn larger vocabulary in the process. On the other hand, Jinan Chinese teaches pinyin starting from 1st grade and puts more emphasis on writing, with students spending a bit less time reading Chinese text. Note that textbook fee is already included in tuition for JinanChinese, but parents need to buy Ma Liping textbook separately. For more details about the textbook used in thetwo tracks please refer to: https://www.caccusa.org/info.php?p=2 |
Do students need to take a placement test if they want to enroll in high school Chinese at CACC? For high school Chinese we have a for-credit track and a not-for-credit track. There are three classes in the for-credit track (Chinese III, IV, AP) and you need to take a placement test at the end of March to determine the appropriate class to take for the upcoming school year. There are two classes in the not-for-credit track (high school Chinese prep, and AP prep) and you don’t need to take a placement test for either of those. Both the for-credit AP class and the not-for-credit AP prep class are designed to prepare the student for the AP test in May. The for-credit class is four hours per week compared to two hours for the not-for-credit class. For more details please visit https://www.caccusa.org/program.php?p=10 |
Can you share a sample placement test for me to study? The placement test is meant to assess students’ Chinese level so that they enroll in a class that’s most suitable for them to study in right now, and to move into AP class only when they are ready (that will likely result in a successful outcome in the eventual AP test). The placement test is designed to assess students’ level rather than serving as a teaching tool, and cannot be distributed. |
My child has finished 8th grade Chinese and did well. Does he qualify for AP class? It depends. Some students have reached the aptitude and maturity required for the AP class after a successful 8th grade study, but most have not. The best way to objectively find out about his actual level is through a placement test. Other than a few students who may be ready to go directly into AP class after 8th grade, most students will benefit from taking Chinese III or IV class first before taking AP class, and will more likely achieve the desired score in the eventual AP test. |